The control of freedom by the government have made a huge effect to the readers especially. When the freedom make as "privilege" that given by the authorities, all the mainstream newspaper will tend to pro-government. everything about BN will said as good and the opposition will make as bad. as example, setiap kali election day, all the mainsream only focus to BN candidate and they will use the media fully for political campaign. The media will make a bad story, speculation, keadaan huru-hara dan pemburukan watak utk calon opposition. this will become extremely biased. the purpose off media as medium to give the information had been denied and be manipulated for individuals benefits. The control of media had allow the manipulation by the government. Some manipulation is good for our country but many manipulation just absurs and only for invidual capacity. seperti yg umum taw, ROSMAH sgt popular dari NAJIB?? why such this happen?? besides, media also tend to promote the elite politician and rich people agenda while the low society people dipingirkan.
we cannot blame the journalist because of these situation. because of the laws that control the media; ISA, OSA, and AMCP..they will become very careful in all of their reports which automatically forced them to do unethically reports and not follow the professionalism as journalist. As what had been said by NUJ president, Hatta, yg mendesak agak senior officer and editorial board remove the self-censorship in UTUSAN yg menmberi tekanan kpd utusan journalist to make such news yg mengarut sehingga Utusan sediri dilihat hilang kreadabilitnya sendiri. Those laws had menganiaya journalist itu sendiri. apbabila setiap kali org membaca UM and BH, yg obviously biased and ridiculous, people will blamed the journalist instead the laws, authorities, editorial board and government. Mereka dilihat sbg seorg yg tiada kreadibiliti walhal mereka just do their works. Nowadays, people getting more serious in what they read especially in cities as that not only the news that they gather. They have internet as alternative. So, x hairan lah semua akhbar mainstream menunjukkan penurunan yg mendadak in term of its distrubution such as UM. daripada mambaca perkara2 yg menipu dan fitnah semata2 lebih baek mereka membaca something yg x memerlukan otak utk berfikir : METRO!!! mereka lebih suka membaca cter ROZITA CIK WAN daripada mebaca mengenai BANGKITLAH MELAYU
Government also use the media to close their weakness. Cases such as corruption and power abuse cannot come out in the news. News not tell the reality but making a fate reality in malaysia. The Empangan Bakun such example one of controversial issue that had be hidden out. Documentary TV2 yg membuat cerita mengenai empangan tersebut dan penganiayan terhadap minority group yg duk kat sana tidak dpt disiarkan dan penerbit tersebut dipecat?@diletak jawatn. seperti juga mase kes aminur rashid, yg tyme 1st reportnye menyebut "suspek" di tembak mati, parang dijumpai dibelakang bonet. Kes rumah banglo mewah ex-mb selnagor turut tidak mendapat liputan luas akhbar tetapi isu related kpd tajaan umrah@haji nik aziz digembar gemburkan menjadi isu negara.
role of media is to give the informations not build up the readers opinion. With this control, its actually inhibit the mind of the readers. news censorship and biased reports;just publish dakwaan seseorang tanpa menyiarkan dakwaan org lain; causes the readers cannot making any judgement on it as the truth had be denied. kerajaan tend to set the people mind rather making them a right to decide the truth and false. Kerajaan sgt takut dgn kebenaran yg mereka lakukan sendiri.
we cannot blame the journalist because of these situation. because of the laws that control the media; ISA, OSA, and AMCP..they will become very careful in all of their reports which automatically forced them to do unethically reports and not follow the professionalism as journalist. As what had been said by NUJ president, Hatta, yg mendesak agak senior officer and editorial board remove the self-censorship in UTUSAN yg menmberi tekanan kpd utusan journalist to make such news yg mengarut sehingga Utusan sediri dilihat hilang kreadabilitnya sendiri. Those laws had menganiaya journalist itu sendiri. apbabila setiap kali org membaca UM and BH, yg obviously biased and ridiculous, people will blamed the journalist instead the laws, authorities, editorial board and government. Mereka dilihat sbg seorg yg tiada kreadibiliti walhal mereka just do their works. Nowadays, people getting more serious in what they read especially in cities as that not only the news that they gather. They have internet as alternative. So, x hairan lah semua akhbar mainstream menunjukkan penurunan yg mendadak in term of its distrubution such as UM. daripada mambaca perkara2 yg menipu dan fitnah semata2 lebih baek mereka membaca something yg x memerlukan otak utk berfikir : METRO!!! mereka lebih suka membaca cter ROZITA CIK WAN daripada mebaca mengenai BANGKITLAH MELAYU
Government also use the media to close their weakness. Cases such as corruption and power abuse cannot come out in the news. News not tell the reality but making a fate reality in malaysia. The Empangan Bakun such example one of controversial issue that had be hidden out. Documentary TV2 yg membuat cerita mengenai empangan tersebut dan penganiayan terhadap minority group yg duk kat sana tidak dpt disiarkan dan penerbit tersebut dipecat?@diletak jawatn. seperti juga mase kes aminur rashid, yg tyme 1st reportnye menyebut "suspek" di tembak mati, parang dijumpai dibelakang bonet. Kes rumah banglo mewah ex-mb selnagor turut tidak mendapat liputan luas akhbar tetapi isu related kpd tajaan umrah@haji nik aziz digembar gemburkan menjadi isu negara.
role of media is to give the informations not build up the readers opinion. With this control, its actually inhibit the mind of the readers. news censorship and biased reports;just publish dakwaan seseorang tanpa menyiarkan dakwaan org lain; causes the readers cannot making any judgement on it as the truth had be denied. kerajaan tend to set the people mind rather making them a right to decide the truth and false. Kerajaan sgt takut dgn kebenaran yg mereka lakukan sendiri.
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